Desist - significado y definición. Qué es Desist
Diccionario en línea

Qué (quién) es Desist - definición

Cease and desist letter; Cease-and-desist letter; Cease and desist order; Cease-and-desist; Cease-and-desist order; Cease and Desist; Cease & desist; Cease-and-desist letters; Cease and desist notice; CnD; Cease and desist warning; Cease & Desist; Cease (law); Ceasing and desisting; Ceased and desisted; Ceases and desists; Cease-and-desist orders; Cease-and-Desist Letters; Cease-and-desist notices; Cease-and-desist notice
  • NTC]] order because of franchise expiry on May 5, 2020.

v. a.
Cease, stop, pause, forbear, stay, leave off, break off, give over.
[d?'s?st, d?'z?st]
¦ verb (often desist from) stop doing something.
ME: from OFr. desister, from L. desistere, from de- 'down from' + sistere 'to stop'.
v. (formal) (D; intr.) to desist from (to desist from further litigation)


Cease and desist

A cease and desist letter is a document sent to an individual or business to stop alleged illegal activity. The phrase "cease and desist" is a legal doublet, made up of two near-synonyms. The letter may warn that, if the recipient does not discontinue specified conduct, or take certain actions, by deadlines set in the letter, that party, i.e., the letter's recipient, may be sued. When issued by a public authority, a cease and desist letter, being "a warning of impending judicial enforcement", is most appropriately called a "cease and desist order".

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Desist
1. a Cease and Desist.
The Monopolists - Obsession, Fury, and the Scandal Behind _ Mary Pilon _ Talks at Google
2. Cease and desist or else.
The Meaning of Green _ Mark Petruzzi _ Talks at Google
3. cease-and-desist letters for "unfair competition
4. you should cease and desist in using
Repurposing Olds Collections New Millenniums' _ Alaka Wali _ Talks at Google
5. And then there's the occasional cease and desist.
The Man Behind Android Figures _ Andrew Bell _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Desist
1. They should desist but were at it again yesterday.
2. After all, he could hardly tell the McCartneys to desist.
3. "We demand Britain desist from such actions and withdraw the title of knighthood," he said.
4. Sonys cease–and–desist letter refers to the original PlayStation trademark.
5. "We have urged DPRK to desist from introducing nuclear weapons in the Korean peninsula.